A hopefully weekly podcast by film reviewers Matthew Turner and Cassam Looch

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Turner & Looch (with Special Guest Emerson Forde) - Episode 6

Emerson Forde: The Return

Emerson proved so popular in the previous episode that we decided we had to have him back again. Join us as we discuss the week's (ahem) releases (okay, the releases from two weeks ago), confess which films make us cry, have our minds blown by some awesome Movie News and chat about some of the best and worst films of 2010.

Index (m:s):

00:00 - 00:33 - Intro

00:33 - 04:00 - Emerson minutes allowed; Emerson introduced; origins of Smurfs disputed; Smurfs and Moomins confused; excited discussion of upcoming Moomins film; general nonsense

04:00 - 10:16 - Emerson's Best Films of the Year; Oscars discussion; shout-out to Robbie Collin

10:16 - 12:50 - Discussion of some of the worst films of the year; ending of Remember Me SPOILED in comedy fashion

12:50 - 14:45 - Ass vs Arse

14:45 - 21:10 - Toy Story 3 reduces grown men to tears (but not Cassam); we confess which films make us cry the most

21:10 - 24:20 - Cassam's Weird Weepies

24:20 - 38:28 - FILM NEWS! So much film news. Can't possibly fit it all in here.

38:28 - "New" releases discussed

38:28 - 43:00 - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader reviewed

43:00 - 47:45 - The Tourist reviewed; "To Catch a Fish"

47:45 - 51:55 - Somewhere reviewed

51:55 - 55:55 - For Colored Girls reviewed

55:55 - 1:01:05 - A Serbian Film reviewed

1:01:05 - Outro

Listen to Emerson Forde's radio show every Thursday on Colourful Radio.